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Jefferson Airplane

Surrealistic Pillow


Type: 33" LP
Year: 1967
Origin: United states
Lbl.: RCA Victor ‎– LSP-3766
cat. no: PN 3320857


psychadelic, rock

Stav desky: EX+
- hraná deska, běžné stopy používání (drobné škrábance a šum nebránící normálnímu poslechu)

Stav obalu: EX+
- stopy běžného používání

Pozn.: znaménko + nebo - upřesňuje stav desky, obalu

A1  She Has Funny Cars
    Written-By – Jorma Kaukonen, Marty Balin 3:03
A2  Somebody To Love
    Written-By – Darby Slick 2:54
A3  My Best Friend
    Written-By – Skip Spence 2:59
A4  Today
    Written-By – Marty Balin, Paul Kantner 2:57
A5  Comin' Back To Me
    Written-By – Marty Balin 5:18

B1  3/5 Of A Mile In 10 Seconds
    Written-By – Marty Balin 3:39
B2  D.C.B.A. - 25
    Written-By – Paul Kantner 2:33
B3  How Do You Feel
    Written-By – Tom Mastin 3:26
B4  Embryonic Journey
    Written-By – Jorma Kaukonen 1:51
B5  White Rabbit
    Written-By – Grace Slick 2:27
B6  Plastic Fantastic Lover
    Written-By – Marty Balin 2:33
Bass, Bass [Fuzz], Rhythm Guitar – Jack*
Guitar, Vocals – Marty, Paul
Lead Guitar, Rhythm Guitar, Vocals – Jorma
Percussion – Spencer
Piano, Organ, Recorder, Vocals – Grace

Musical And Spiritual Adviser – Jerry Garcia
Probably THE defining album of 1960s psychedelia, the entire freak-out, mind-trip, free your consciousness psychedelic movement in music hit it's apex right here. This album defines the word trippy. If you haven't gotten high while listening to White Rabbit you haven't lived. Grace Slick's powerhouse Vocals on Somebody To Love established her as one of the greatest female Vocalists of all time. Plastic Fantastic Lover and  3/5 of a Mile in 10 Seconds aren't so much heard as experienced. And Comin' Back To Me is simply amazing.
This is not the most cohesive of albums, that's for sure, but I think that's partly for positive reasons. They have a lot of ideas, and they want to stretch themselves. To paraphrase Walt Whitman, "they contain multitudes", and this album surveys quite a bit of the late 60s musical landscape. It is famously one of the leading examples of 'acid rock' and the two stellar singles- White Rabbit and Somebody to Love exemplify it, as does Plastic Fantastic Lover and She Has Funny Cars, though on a much less inspired level.

The unsung achievements of this album are two beautiful ballads, Today and Comin' Back to Me. Today is a forerunner of the ghostly minimalism of Mazzy Star, one of few 90s bands to mine the psychedelic end of the 60s with a truly fresh gaze. Comin' Back to Me is more of pastoral piece, with some haunting flute work. Both these tracks reveal that Jefferson Airplane knew the value of subtlety, however much they excelled at big, bold psychedelic excess.  Embryonic Journey is another lesser gem, demonstrating real musical virtuosity without becoming bombastic.

The third side which the band shows here is the least interesting. On a few of the tracks they try to be a 60s pop band, sounding something like album tracks from Mamas and the Papas. In this category fall How Do You Feel and My Best Friend, and while these tracks are not really objectionable, they are generic. While Jefferson Airplane clearly had an interest in straight guitar pop, it was never really their thing.

All in all, this is an impressive record. They show the range of what they can do- everything from acid rock to folk-tinged balladry- and while the flatter moments stop this from reaching the heights of a Forever Changes or Odyssey and Oracle, it would have to be on any 'best of year' list for 1967.
Wow, this is really the same band on the debut? And most review sources I see barely even differentiate! They act like a (rising) continuity is maintained! Goddamned nonsense and a half. The debut was a insignificant piece of cardboard, THIS is a fantastic piece of prime late 60's rib slathered in psychedelic barbeque sauce. Like seriously, this was almost a 4.5, it was a knock out of the park by these folks. There have been some changes in their lineup since the first record. We have a new drummer, and we have Grace Slick in the group now with her distinctive and powerful vocals. This lineup would hold steady for this and the next three records, neatly rounding out the decade. Making this era undisputed classic Jefferson Airplane, the fruits of which are already extremely evident. In so many ways this record is exactly the kind of thing I want to hear when I sit down for late 60's rock, it has a bit of all the best aspects of the era tied into a solid and melodic package. A real treat basically. On one hand we have a dose of strong pop sensibility in the Beatles/Kinks/Monkees sense that results in some really fucking great melodies here and there. On the other hand it has a light but effective air of genuine psychedelia. The production is tinny and a bit dense, but in a nice way? I know how that might sound. Like it makes them sound like they're playing from somewhere strange and interior, somewhere maybe a bit dank and foggy. Yeah yeah the drug comparisons are obvious (and White Rabbit is about) but JESUS is there nothing more boring than talking about the relationship between drugs and music. Drugs are the most incredibly boring topic there is, meta-drug talk that is. The goddamned point of these vibes (and taking those drugs) is the experience kiddos. White Rabbit and Today (the two most loopy tracks) are mesmerizing for that otherworldly feeling, that sort of floats your brain outside your head. And I'm saying that the echoey almost metallic production adds to that feeling, it's not a shitty cheap production at all. It's seriously highly effective! Probably the strongest song on here is SORT of a cover, though it's more complicated than that. Somebody to Love was actually written by Grace's brother for the group that he and yes she were in before she joined Airplane. She borrowed from her bro and amped the thing way the hell up. So it's almost like not a cover? She had some degree of control over it's original form? It is in any case far more powerful with this band behind it, and it's hard not to really call it a Jefferson Airplane song. Mostly the rest of the record isn't quite as muscular as Somebody, or as spaceheaded as Today. Mostly it's strong but pretty rock played in that nice dank place, with some slower but even prettier numbers interspersed. There's really nary a bad song on here, short as it is it thankfully has no real filler aboard. I enjoyed it all the way through with maybe the exception of My Best Friend which abandons the unified vibe for some dull bluesy shit. Even if everything else these folks released is mediocre or crap, I can really understand them being so well remembered and looked back on for this release. It earns the accolades.
Surrealistic Pillow has rightfully earned historical significance particularly for bolstering the late 60's rock psychedelia sound. Most people are aware of the classic hits 'Somebody to Love' and 'White Rabbit', penned by Grace Slick herself, but Surrealistic Pillow doesn't play anything like those two tracks. Marty's tight control over the music positioned Grace Slick as more of a backup singer, although to be fair the songwriting was shared equally among all band members. Surprisingly the rest of the bands material holds up rather well. 'Today' is one of the most beautiful love songs I've ever heard, with achingly pretty lyrics like, 'I'm so full of love, I could burst apart and start to cry'. Those three songs are in my mind the pinnacle of the album, but the rest of the tracks are also consistently good. Notice the distinctively reverberant sound; the sound washes over you in waves. It's an album with the same precision of The Beatles; just listen to the complexity of Embryonic Journey. It also doesn't shy away at taking a straight-forward approach to a song, you can almost hear The Byrds in 'My Best Friend'. My one and only gripe is 'Plastic Fantastic Lover' because to me it is such an anticlimactic way of ending an album.
Premier véritable album de Jefferson Airplane (Takes Off c'était un entraînement pour voir si l'équipe réussissait à jouer ensemble, et pi y avait des blessés et tout et tout), premier album où l'on retrouve Grace Slick, transférée de l'autre formation californienne The Great Society en échange de Pelé et Garrincha + une boîte de bonbons et un paquet de clopes.
Le transfert de la décennie si vous voulez mon avis! Outre le fait que Grace Slick soit une femme magnifique et irrésistible, elle possède une voix qui me rend dingue. (Re)voir les images du groupe à Woodstock, c'est quelque chose d'extraordinaire. Certains artistes s'y sont révélés, d'autres comme l'Airplane avaient déjà des kilomètres au compteur.
Cet album est l'un des tous meilleurs dans sa catégorie. Il fait partie de la sacro-sainte année 1967! L’ANNÉE 67 qui a vu naître une tripotée de pépites en or massif. Je ne vois toujours pas à l'heure actuelle une meilleure année musicale, car je pense que c'est tout simplement celle qui a accouché du plus grand nombre de chefs d’œuvre. (cf. la liste)
Bref, Surrealistic Pillow sort au début de l'année et annonce la couleur dès le départ de ce que sera la suite de 67. Bien heureux qui comme Ulysse, blablabla avait tous les albums en vinyle. Ouais je suis de ceux qui possède tous les LPs du combo sur la période 66/73 avant que celui-ci ne devienne Jefferson Starship. Jalousement gardés dans mon antre.
Je me suis parfois demandé qui de Surrealistic Pillow ou After Bathing at Baxter's (lui aussi de 1967) était mon album-référence de l'Airplane. Chacun est extraordinaire et délivre une musique qui, à l'instar de Forever Changes (lui aussi de 1967) de Love, ne souffre d'aucune faiblesse. Un psychedelic folk/rock d'une beauté sans égale et dégageant une maîtrise qui dépasse l'entendement.
Alors là je n'ai pour le moment parlé que de Grace, mais à coté y a une dream team de musiciens et un Marty Balin en duet avec la donzelle. Probablement le meilleur duo de la baie de San Francisco des sixties. Paul Kantner et Jorma Kaukonen, le meilleur duo de guitaristes, Jack Casady à la basse qui fera partie du très bon et savoureux Hot Tuna avec ces deux derniers, et pour parfaire le tableau Spencer Dryden aux baguettes, ex-New Riders of the Purple Sage et The Ashes (plus connus par la suite sous le nom de The Peanut Butter Conspiracy). Donc du sacré beau linge dans cette équipe de winners. Et quand tu sais faire jouer des talents individuels ensemble, ça donne des éclairs et des albums désormais inscrits au panthéon de la musique comme ce Surrealistic Pillow.
Et même si la galette est assez courte (33 minutes), elle étire ses 11 titres comme un élastique donnant à chacun une présence qui se poursuit sur le morceau suivant. Donc impression que les 33 minutes en paraissent presque le double dans le ressenti. Agaçant quand il s'agit d'un mauvais album, mais quand il s'agit d'un tel travail d'orfèvre, on ne peut que s'en réjouir. Le trait majeur du LP est le trio Today, Comin' Back to Me, 3/5 of a Mile in 10 Seconds. Le chef d’œuvre dans le chef d’œuvre. Pendant 12 minutes vous parcourez une prairie remplie de champignons. Le délire psychotrope dans son acception la plus aboutie. Trois chansons qui viennent d'une autre planète et qui vous transportent dans une dimension qui se rencontre très peu de fois dans une vie musicale psychédélique. On touche, que dis-je, on EST dans la perfection psychée, musicale et vocale à la fois.
Écouter Today et mourir! Peut-être le clou de l'album. D'une douceur implacable, d'une beauté imparable, là où les guitares délivrent de fines touches pour se marier à la voix de Marty Balin, à laquelle viendra se greffer celle de Grace Slick. Magnifique! Absolument magnifique! Trois minutes à pleurer. Trois minutes où vous pleurez. Comin' Back to Me continue le travail de sape sur votre sensibilité en même temps qu'il vous donne le plaisir d'être le plus long morceau. Donc le kiff ultime. I saw you coming back to me, qu'il dit le Marty avec une voix triste mêlée de désespoir. C'est fatal!
Je n'ai pas encore parlé de Somebody to Love et White Rabbit ? Le vilain. Pour cause ils ne sont pas des morceaux du groupe à proprement parler, mais des apports de Grace Slick quand elle était dans sa précédente équipe; à savoir The Great Society (cité plus haut). Deux chansons qui sont d'elle et qu'elle a importé avec son talent. C'est pour ça que je disais au début de ma review que l'échange avec Pelé+Garrincha+bonbons+paquet de clopes, c'était pas du vol. Elle a été draftée par les Sacramento Kings et les Lakers, mais a été refoulée pour retomber chez les Golden State d'Oakland. (ça c'est pour les connaisseurs de la NBA, les autres circulez y a rien à voir)
Bingo pour la franchise californienne de San Francisco! Jackpot et cash-flow direct. Faites tourner la planche à billets dans les sous-sols, ce soir on régale les mecs. Je m'emballe quand j'ai beaucoup de choses à dire et là ouais j'suis chaud du clavier avec le Jefferson Airplane. J'ai les doigts qui fument, j'dois faire des post-it. Help! La lumière s'allume à tous les étages. Évacuez, y a le feu! C'est la folie incendiaire dans l'écriture, faut un extincteur. Bob, où est Bob merde ? Appelez-moi Boooooooooob! Viiiiiiite un secouriste. Un masque à oxygène. Combinaison de survie. Des couvertures. après un bouche-à-bouche salvateur, le calme revient. Elie a nettoyé la pièce. Table rase comme si rien ne s'était passé. Le calme après la déferlante. Le tsunami a ravagé les récoltes et rasé une partie des côtes. Le Jefferson Airplane a réussi à se poser en catastrophe. Dommages collatéraux en haut lieu. Les têtes tombent. Apocalypse now. Et là une voix s'élève et demande: How Do You Feel? Pas de réponse. Les têtes hagardes, les visages blêmes, les mines déconfites. Après 3 minutes et 26 secondes, une réponse se loin. C'est un Lapin Blanc qui la donne. Sorti tout droit d'Alice aux Pays des Champignons hallucinogènes, il se dresse sur ses pattes arrière comme un lémurien, scannant la scène de désolation et dit: "que vais-je devenir, moi pauvre lapinou, dans cette lande assassinée ? Que vais-je devenir dans la passion des jours nouveaux ? Comment vais-je faire pour avancer sur cette terre hostile en ayant connu la beauté d'un paysage verdoyant et prolifique ? Comment je me sens ? me demandez-vous. Eh bien, comme un lapin chassé, pourchassé par une horde de hyènes affamées. Je sais que Grace est là pour me protéger, mais que faire face à la vitesse et la férocité de ces carnivores. Mon sentiment est partagé. Je me laisserai volontiers attrapé après avoir découvert l'extase en votre sein."

Tels furent les derniers mots du lapin blanc avant qu'il ne fut définitivement happé par le Plastic Fantastic Lover, ce tube cathodique à travers lequel son addiction se fit après celle des champignons.
La galette des rois du Haight-Ashbury prit donc fin de la sorte après avoir éparpillé ça-et-là des notes, des mélodies, chants, contre-chants, touches instrumentales discrètes, mélopées enveloppées d'un drap psychotrope.
Le voyage et la découverte avec l'Airplane se firent sur un tapis, volant aux quatre vents...
...pour mieux se poser sur la prochaine destination.
OK, I was there, and I think I remember ... or maybe I wasn’t there but think I was, anyway, I’m here now ... maybe.

Surrealistic Pillow wasn’t a psychedelic album though it was ushering in the psychedelic era.  This record is a combination of folk and rock, what one might call folk / rock, but with definite leanings for what was to come.  Though it's important to remember that the phrase "The 60’s" weren’t really all of the 60’s, they were actually just the summer of 1966 and into the winter and spring of 1967, but we thought they’d go on forever.

The voice of Grace Slick has never sounded better then on this very simple body of work.  Most of the songs are about love and were written by Marty, “My Best Friend” and “Comin’ Back To Me” are legendary standouts of mammoth proportion for the emotion they evoke.  ”White Rabbit” was a banner song, the anthem of the 60’s if you will, for the freedom it represented, challenging the exploration of the mind, and the establishment, through the use of LSD and other drugs of the day.  This album is timeless in its feel and production.  Being their second release, you can see what the group learned from their initial recording experience.  The  Jefferson Airplane did something here that many groups have tried to do and fallen short ... on every album up to “Bark,” they’ve managed to create an atmosphere.  That is to say, they didn’t create concept albums in the vein of the Moody Blues, but each song lead flawlessly into the next, stringing out musical visions of love, life, freedom, loss and drugs in a war torn country.  There was an equality to this record, each member of the Airplane were afforded the opportunity to display their talents to the fullest, right down to the mixing, where the playing field is totally level.  There are chord changes that were unheard of before this time, with people played off each other in a manner befitting the day.  It was truly a heady time to be alive.

This album feels as simple as the cover conveys, and fits like a good pair of boots.  I’ve never tired of this record and don’t feel it will ever be lost on those who ventured to live a life during those years.  The music found here is like the blue smoke that rose into the air, flowing and swirling from brass incense burners across America ... it touched everyone

Price: 5 000 CZK   (199.8 €)

Other images

Jefferson Airplane-Surrealistic Pillow Jefferson Airplane-Surrealistic Pillow Jefferson Airplane-Surrealistic Pillow Jefferson Airplane-Surrealistic Pillow Jefferson Airplane-Surrealistic Pillow


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Price: 20.0 €


Jefferson Airplane

White Rabbit / Somebody To Love...

Jefferson Airplane

12" Maxi
Great Britain
Lbl.: RCA – JEFFT 1
cat. no: B1 1201425



Price: 1 000 CZK
Price: 40.0 €


Jefferson Starship

Freedom At Point Zero

Jefferson Starship

33" LP
United states
Lbl.: Grunt – BZL1-3452
cat. no: B1 3366955



Price: 500 CZK
Price: 20.0 €


Jefferson Starship


Jefferson Starship

33" LP
United states
Lbl.: Grunt – BXL1-2515
cat. no: B1 3366958



Price: 500 CZK
Price: 20.0 €


Jefferson Starship

Winds Of Change

Jefferson Starship

33" LP
United states
Lbl.: Grunt – BXL1-4372
cat. no: B1 3366959



Price: 800 CZK
Price: 32.0 €


Jefferson Airplane

Bark [+ příloha]

Jefferson Airplane

33" LP
United states
Lbl.: Grunt – FTR-1001
cat. no: B1 3366960



Price: 3 000 CZK
Price: 119.9 €


Jefferson Airplane

Long John Silver

Jefferson Airplane

33" LP
United states
Lbl.: Grunt – FTR-1007
cat. no: B1 3366961



Price: 2 000 CZK
Price: 79.9 €


Jefferson Airplane

Thirty Seconds Over Winterland

Jefferson Airplane

33" LP
United states
Lbl.: Grunt – BFL1-0147
cat. no: B1 3366962



Price: 1 000 CZK
Price: 40.0 €


Jefferson Airplane

Early Flight

Jefferson Airplane

33" LP
United states
Lbl.: Grunt – CYL1-0437
cat. no: B1 3366963


folk, ethno, tramp, pop, rock

Price: 1 000 CZK
Price: 40.0 €


Jefferson Starship

Dragon Fly

Jefferson Starship

33" LP
United states
Lbl.: Grunt – BFL1-0717
cat. no: B1 3366964



Price: 600 CZK
Price: 24.0 €


Jefferson Airplane

Red Octopus

Jefferson Airplane

33" LP
United states
Lbl.: Grunt – BFL1-0999
cat. no: B1 3366965



Price: 500 CZK
Price: 20.0 €


Jefferson Starship


Jefferson Starship

33" LP
United states
Lbl.: Grunt – BFL1-1557
cat. no: B1 3366966



Price: 500 CZK
Price: 20.0 €


Jefferson Starship

Gold (The Best Of Jefferson...

Jefferson Starship

33" LP

Lbl.: Grunt – CYL1-3363
cat. no: B1 3366999


new products, picture disc, color, rock

Price: 2 000 CZK
Price: 79.9 €


Jefferson Starship

Nuclear Furniture

Jefferson Starship

33" LP
United states
Lbl.: Grunt – BXL1-4921
cat. no: B1 3367002


rock, soul, funk

Price: 1 000 CZK
Price: 40.0 €