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An exception was thrown :
Exception code : 0
Exception message :
#0 /data/web/virtuals/38425/virtual/www/inc/mysql.class.php(173): mysql->error('SELECT LP.*,CAT...',...)
#1 /data/web/virtuals/38425/virtual/www/inc/lp.class.php(62): mysql->query('SELECT LP.*,CAT...',...)
#2 /data/web/virtuals/38425/virtual/www/templates/vinyl-detail.tpl(78): LP->getLP('SELECT LP.*,CAT...',...)
#3 /data/web/virtuals/38425/virtual/www/inc/phptemplate.class.php(81): require_once('/data/web/virtu...')
#4 /data/web/virtuals/38425/virtual/www/inc/phptemplate.class.php(138): PHPTemplate->fetch('templates/vinyl...')
#5 /data/web/virtuals/38425/virtual/www/index.php(105): PHPTemplate->load('content',...)
#6 {main}

error: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'Oyly Carte Opera Company ...*' IN BOOLEAN MODE)
																         AND LP' at line 10 

query: SELECT LP.*,CAT.name_en as catname, CNT.name_en as countryname, CNT.code as countrycode, GROUP_CONCAT(GEN.name_en ORDER BY GEN.name_en SEPARATOR ', ') as genres, 
																		         COALESCE((SELECT FROM lpimage AS IM WHERE IM.position='1' AND,0) as mainimg, USR.inicials,
																						 DATE_FORMAT(LP.dt_insert,'%Y') as year_insert, DATE_FORMAT(LP.dt_insert,'%m') as month  
	    																	FROM lp AS LP
																				JOIN user USR ON = LP.iduser 
																				JOIN country CNT ON = LP.idcountry
																				JOIN category CAT ON = LP.idcategory
									      								JOIN vz_lp_genre VZLG ON VZLG.idlp =
																				JOIN genre GEN ON = VZLG.idgenre 	    																	
																 WHERE MATCH(groupname) AGAINST ('Gilbert And Sullivan - D'Oyly Carte Opera Company ...*' IN BOOLEAN MODE)
																         AND LP.state IN (1,3,11,5,4,13,14,15,8)
											 								 	 AND NOT IN (65276) 
												 								 AND CNT.state = 1
												 								 AND CAT.state = 1
												 								 AND GEN.state = 1
																				 GROUP BY			
																				 ORDER BY LP.state	
																				 LIMIT 54
Product detail 

Gilbert And Sullivan - D'Oyly Carte Opera Company ...

The Mikado


Type: 33" LP
Year: 1958
Origin: United states
Lbl.: London Records ‎– OSA 1201
cat. no: RL 3347623


classical music, opera

Stav desky: EX+
- hraná deska, běžné stopy používání (drobné škrábance a šum nebránící normálnímu poslechu)

Stav obalu: EX
- stopy běžného používání

Pozn.: znaménko + nebo - upřesňuje stav desky, obalu

No. 1  Act I (Pt. 1): Overture; If You Want To Know Who We Are; A Wandering Minstrel I; Our Great Mikado, Virtuous Man; Young Man, Despair; And Have I Journeyed For A Month; Behold The Lord High Executioner!; Taken From The Country Jail; As Some Day It May Happen 
No. 2  Act I (Concl.): Comes A Train Of Little Ladies; Three Little Maids From School Are We; So Please You, Sir; Were You Not To Ko-Ko Plighted; I Am So Proud; With Aspect Stern; Your Revels Cease! 
No. 3  Act II (Pt. 1): Braid The Raven Hair; Sit With Downcast Eye; The Sun, Whose Rays; Brightly Dawns Our Wedding Day; Here's A How-de-do!; Miya Same, Miya Same; A More Humane Mikado 
No. 4  Act II (Concl.): The Criminal Cried; See How The Fates; The Flowers That Bloom In The Spring; Alone, And Yet Alive!; On A Tree By A River A Little Tom-Tit; There Is Beauty In The Bellow Of The Blast; For He's Gone And Married Yum-Yum

Price: 1 000 CZK   (39.6 €)

Other images

Gilbert And Sullivan - D'Oyly Carte Opera Company ...-The Mikado Gilbert And Sullivan - D'Oyly Carte Opera Company ...-The Mikado Gilbert And Sullivan - D'Oyly Carte Opera Company ...-The Mikado Gilbert And Sullivan - D'Oyly Carte Opera Company ...-The Mikado Gilbert And Sullivan - D'Oyly Carte Opera Company ...-The Mikado